Never look in the bargin bin

October 01, 2009

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I read on Gamasutra once that a large percentage of programmers feel that Producers aren't really part of the development team.  Of course, they wrote that comment on PCs that were acquired by the Producer... sitting on chairs that the Producer made sure they had... etc.

I could go on a long rant about how producing really is the shit job, not much accolade and all of the blame, but then that would only serve to discourage those of you who aspire to the position and I really don't want to do that.

I have lots of first hand experience to pass on, and in fact I have a new site/blog to do exactly that, but I would like to pass on one very important lesson.

Never EVER look in the bargain bin at GameStop
While the job of "Producer" varies greatly from company to company, the duties are rarely what most sane people would call "fun". There are brief moments where you are smiling at the latest build, or maybe reading a eview of your "baby".  But those are far and few between.

There just isn't anything like the pain of seeing the game you worked on day and night for months or even years, at $1.99. The box is beat up, it was a return or traded in for a new game so maybe the documentation, the only proof you actually worked on it, is gone. Worse yet, like lemon or salt the clerk might see you holding it lovingly and say: "I hate that game, if you want something to play that's cool I suggest...". (BTW, that guy now walks with a pronounced limp and his nickname is "lefty")

So take heart, there are good things about being a Producer... there are always new games to be produced, and dinners to buy.

Your producing thoughts?

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